
Showing posts from February, 2022

Flour Sack

  Here is my Flour Sack animation! This project was split into two. The first was submitting a mock sheet of the flour sack character, then we needed to animate the character. I chose to have my flour sack bouncing on a trampoline.  Fantastical Facts: Flour Sack Edition: Originally, I was going to have my flour sack become a magical girl, however, I decided that the idea might work better for a later project. I had less drawings in the first draft of the character sheet, but then added more later. I am really happy I added the jumping one, because it helped out later on. I also changed most of the flour sacks adding some critiques that my teacher gave.   As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day! -Maddy Wessling

Blue Totoro's Sunset

This is my first project in my Creative Coding (FMX 310) class! It is titled, "Blue Totoro's Sunset." The image is based off of Studio Ghibli's "My Neighbor Totoro." It is one of my favorite movies, and probably my favorite Studio Ghibli film, so I created an Illustration and then recreated it in code for this project. The only parameters for this project was to have detail and to have something move within Dreamweaver. I am so proud of how this turned out! It is my favorite Dreamweaver project yet!  Fantastical Facts: Blue Totoro Edition: The original illustration was actually once two. When I showed my teacher Santi some sketches from my sketchbook for this project, I planned on doing my D&D Koi Mermaid character. However, my teacher actually liked the Blue Totoro and background flowers as they were two separate sketches. He told me to combine them and create a background which is the final rendition!  The house is based off of Satsuki and Mei's ho...

Overlapping Action

  Here is my next project, which dealt with overlapping action! For this assignment, we needed to have a platform and something moving behind it with appropriate actions. I like how it turned out, however, I had a rough time getting to the final product.  Fantastical Facts: Overlapping Action Edition: I originally wanted to have a Pokemon crane machine, however, I made a silly mistake and left the file at school. 😓 I was unable to retrieve it and lost a few hours of work.  I decided to use a test file that I brought home with me and edited it to make the end a Pokeball and changed some timing features. Learning from my mistakes was a big part of this process and I am happy it happened. In the future I am going to make sure to double check that I saved what I needed to save where it needs to be so I don't lose work!  As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day! -Maddy W...

Bouncing Ball

Here is my first ever 2D Animation project! I am really proud of how this turned out! Our goal was to create a bouncing ball hitting any objects we could think of. I used a colorful room hitting a desk and a blanket with a dachshund inside! It is not the greatest animation ever, but I am proud that I could learn how to animate this quickly.  Fantastical Facts: Bouncing Ball Edition: The dachshund in the video is a drawing of my own dog, Coco! She always burrows in blankets like in the animation and I was inspired to create this after her.  This project took a lot more time than I thought! This 5 seconds of animation took around 8 hours to create!  The walls are loosely based off of my Grandma's walls in a room in her house called the 'den'. I spent a lot of time there when I was younger, and found the cracked patterns on the walls interesting. I used my memory to recreate them in this animation.  As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope ...