Overlapping Action


Here is my next project, which dealt with overlapping action! For this assignment, we needed to have a platform and something moving behind it with appropriate actions. I like how it turned out, however, I had a rough time getting to the final product. 

Fantastical Facts: Overlapping Action Edition:
  • I originally wanted to have a Pokemon crane machine, however, I made a silly mistake and left the file at school. 😓 I was unable to retrieve it and lost a few hours of work. 
  • I decided to use a test file that I brought home with me and edited it to make the end a Pokeball and changed some timing features.
  • Learning from my mistakes was a big part of this process and I am happy it happened. In the future I am going to make sure to double check that I saved what I needed to save where it needs to be so I don't lose work! 
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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