Bouncing Ball

Here is my first ever 2D Animation project! I am really proud of how this turned out! Our goal was to create a bouncing ball hitting any objects we could think of. I used a colorful room hitting a desk and a blanket with a dachshund inside! It is not the greatest animation ever, but I am proud that I could learn how to animate this quickly. 

Fantastical Facts: Bouncing Ball Edition:
  • The dachshund in the video is a drawing of my own dog, Coco! She always burrows in blankets like in the animation and I was inspired to create this after her. 
  • This project took a lot more time than I thought! This 5 seconds of animation took around 8 hours to create! 
  • The walls are loosely based off of my Grandma's walls in a room in her house called the 'den'. I spent a lot of time there when I was younger, and found the cracked patterns on the walls interesting. I used my memory to recreate them in this animation. 
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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