Nutmeg and the Cookie

Here is my weight project! For this assignment, we needed to take a full body character and have it try to hold something either too heavy or very light. There was a lot of ways to go about this project, but I ended up making this new character! It's name is Nutmeg! Not sure whether it is a cross between a bear and a hamster or just one or the other... Regardless, I still made them try to catch a very heavy cookie and fall over.

Fantastical Facts: Weight Edition:
  • Overall, I had a bit of a hard time with this project. Animation is a bit hard for me and I had a lot of critiques. I fixed them as best as I could!  
  • I really had fun designing Nutmeg as a character! It was fun to try different positions and make it come to life! 
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling


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