Animation for Interactivity and Games Week 4


This week in class, I worked on keyframes and multicamera sequences in Unreal. I learned how to use and export multiple cameras in a scene using different angles. In the video above, I used Cesium Ion (which I learned how to use in another class) to go to Mount Fuji in Japan. I then made three different camera views and exported it. I also created two more sequences with a world that I designed myself using a pack from the Unreal marketplace.  I also continued with the Unreal Fellowship videos and got through the Introduction to the Control Rig video. Once again, I found these videos pretty difficult to understand and I feel like they are geared more towards professionals who are more experienced in the industry. I have never used Unreal before and these videos feel a little overwhelming to me. I tried my best to follow along but struggle as animation is not my strong suit. 


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