

Here is my Calligram project! This one I completed a while ago, however, it was not the greatest....The original is the pastel rainbow version. I had a hard time envisioning where the words should go and making the Calligram visible. After seeing some examples in class, I realized I needed to play around with the size, the amount, and the shapes of the words. I also added a white background to the outline of myself to make it stand out a little more. I decided in the end that the blue gradient background worked better than the rainbow one, so I chose that one in the new final product. In the end, I am really happy with my progress! It goes to show that mistakes happen, but you can always persevere and learn from slip-ups. 

Fantastical Facts: Calligram Edition:
  • The text in both versions of the Calligram are from notes that both my mom and dad wrote for me. My dads was from when I graduated high school and my moms was just a random, sweet note. 
  • The original image is from a headshot that was taken in New York City by a professional photographer!
  • Overall this was a challenging piece for me, however, I am proud that I was able to learn and grow from this. 
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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