Waitress Sakana

Hello! It's been a little while...I've been busy practicing my digital drawing skills by doing an art challenge everyday for the month of June. Here is one I did today of my D&D character, Sakana! The challenge was to create a different job for the character and I chose a waitress. 

Fantastical Facts: Waitress Sakana Edition:
  • The software I used to create this piece was FireAlpaca! It is a free drawing software! I really like all of the different brush options you can choose from. FireAlpaca was really easy to learn, and I've picked it up over the past week.  
  • I chose to practice a more Chibi style of drawing, rather than realistic. I really like the cartoony feel!  
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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