Somewhere Project

Here is my finished project for our "Somewhere" photoshop assignment! I had SO much fun with this one! We needed to take a scene from a movie or TV show and photoshop ourselves into it. I chose Stranger Things for this project.  I am a huge fan of the show and had a good time creating this piece.

Fantastical Facts: Stranger Things Edition:
  • The episode that this scene is from is called "The Sauna Test" from season 3.  It is where the kids try to get the Mind Flayer out of Max's brother, Billy using a sauna. I personally really like this episode because of its intensity and I wanted to try to fit myself in with the other kids. 
  • The shirt was actually a Christmas gift a few years ago and I decided it would be fun to wear it as if I was from Hawkins. 
  • Taking the picture on a neutral background (aka a bedroom wall in my house) really helped with the cleaning and editing for this project! 
  • A big shoutout to my mom for helping me take a perfect picture! Thank you
  • Hall of Fame Piece 💫
As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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