Final Animation

Here is my final animation video! This is a final project for my Digital Media class. We needed to take our GIF animations and compile them into one video. Also, we needed to add sound and credits at the end. This project was difficult, if I am honest, but I love how the final product looks and sounds! I used Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, and Garageband to complete this project. I am very pleased with my progress overall this semester, and the art I have created. 

Fantastical Facts: Animation Edition:
  • In addition to the GIF animations, this project took well over 24 hours to complete! I survived on caffeine....
  • The actual hula hoop is a weighted hula hoop and it is a thicker and heavier type of hoop. I used that one as opposed to a regular one because it would be easier to trace in the final version. 
  • I was really surprised at how big the files were! I had to do a lot of editing in order to get each section under 1 MB. It makes me realize just how big movie files must be...
  • Overall, this animation has almost 400 frames (all hand traced) and lasts 51 seconds! I went over the 30 second requirement because I wanted to add more interactive backgrounds. 
  • I really liked making the music in Garageband! It was so fun to play around with all of the different sounds and loops. 
  • Hall of Fame Piece 💫

As always, thank you for supporting this small artist and blog! I hope you enjoy the work as much as I do when I create it! Have a magical day!
-Maddy Wessling

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